FIFA 11+


New Zealand Football and Federations have partnered with ACC and FIFA to implement a nationwide rollout of the FIFA 11+ injury prevention programme.

What is FIFA 11+?

The FIFA 11+ is a complete warm-up programme designed to reduce injuries among female and male players. Developed by an international group of experts the programme should be performed as a standard warm-up at the start of each training session at least twice a week by team coaches. The FIFA 11+ takes around 20 minutes to complete.

It has been scientifically validated and has been proven to reduce the risk of all injuries by 30% and severe injuries by 50%.

How does it work?

The programme is designed to replace a traditional warm-up.  It is divided into three parts with a total of 15 exercises.  It is easy to learn and only takes between 15-20 minutes to complete.   Part one of the programme involves some slow-speed running, active stretching and some controlled partner contacts.  Part two involves a number of exercises to improve core and leg strength, plyometrics and balance.  There are three levels of difficulty for these exercises.  The final component involves further running exercises.  These are done at a higher level of intensity and involve a change of direction.  The injury prevention benefit is seen when the programme is done twice a week (or more).

How can FIFA 11+ help my team’s performance?

In addition to reducing the risk of injury, FIFA 11+ has also been shown to enhance performance.  Athletes who do the programme regularly can expect to see improvements in their speed, agility and balance.  Individual teams will also benefit as we know, from a study in the UEFA Champions League, that teams who have fewer injuries perform better.

For more information, contact your local Injury Prevention Officer or go to the Fifa 11+ website.